


About Airbooks

ebook or paperbacksAirbooks is a wholly owned subsidiary of Fontaine Publishing Group and operates as an Australian independent online bookseller with a difference.

We offer an eclectic variety of independently published books by Australian authors, from small read-for-pleasure paperbacks, how-to, self-improvement and business titles, full colour childrens books right through to premium coffee-table hardcover books. We also have available for purchase and instant download many ebook titles by emerging authors.

Discover something fresh today.

For Book SEllers

Airbooks welcomes enquiries and trade sales from bookstores and retail. We offer the usual trade discount, and also our convenient direct-to-reader fulfilment on request. This means that we can optionally ship direct to your customer, saving time and leg work. Contact us for further information.

For Book Publishers / Independent Authors

Contact us if you would like your next title, or backlist, made available for purchase via Airbooks. We offer a variety of fulfilment and distribution options, and we pay our authors and book publishers a higher return and instantaneously on each and every sale.