Those Tracks on My Face

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Those Tracks on My Face

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Barbara Holborow’s bestseller: 25,000 books sold so far

No-one knows more about children in trouble – and how to keep them out of trouble, than Barbara Holborow. In this best-selling book, Barbara draws on the knowledge and wisdom acquired in her many years as a Children’s Court magistrate, where she presided over the best and the worst of children, and those dealing with them. She tells the story of her own life as well, and in these pages there is a wealth of practical advice for those who want the best out of the most valuable thing in our lives – our children.

“Times change, ideas about ‘good parenting’ come and go, but what Barbara Holborow knows about children in trouble is still true, wise and relevant – because kids never change. During her 20 years in the Children’s Court she witnessed both the tragedy of kids gone wrong and the triumph of young adults re-making their lives. She talked tough but kept her eyes and heart open – and luckily for us parents, wrote this book, which has become a best-seller.” – Jennifer Byrne,
journalist, and host of ABC TV’s First Tuesday Book Club.

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